St Mary's & St Alban's Catholic Church – Halifax


Parish Giving









Your parish needs and appreciates your financial support.

Standing orders are the preferred and easiest way to ensure our parish benefits from whatever regular giving you can afford as it means we don’t have to handle and organise cash.

Standing Order Forms are available at the back of our churches or you can download a form here. If you are a UK tax payer then please fill out the Gift Aid section of the form too. Give your completed form to the priest

If you wish to set one up online direct with your bank, here are our bank details:

Account Name: Diocese of Leeds St Mary’s Church

Account No.: 21023225

Sort Code: 40-27-15

Reference: your full name

Offertory envelopes are available on request.

Giving by Standing Order (or envelopes) enables donors to Gift Aid contributions which is a huge benefit to the Parish – we can reclaim tax on donations made by UK taxpayers at no additional cost to the donor by claiming back 25p from the HMRC for every £1 you donate.