Parish Ladies Guild
The Parish Ladies Guild (PLG) is a Parish social group. All ladies of the Parish are eligible for membership and new members are always welcome. The Guild meets monthly, on the second Thursday of the month starting at 7:00p.m. in St Alban’s Parish Room.
We arrange and enjoy social activities and events for members throughout the year and the annual membership subscriptions (currently £12) go towards meeting the cost of these activities and events. In addition we arrange a variety of social events for the Parish Community including some fund-raising events for the Parish.
If you are interested in joining us you are welcome to come along to one of our meetings or to contact one of the PLG Officers for more details.
Chair: Jean Wilkinson (Tel: 07453639567 email:
Vice Chair: Barbara Cudyk (07969805293)
Secretary: Lizzie Lees (07521244809)
Treasurer: Maureen Brown (07790681770)